Tough Calls – Gameday 9

MIES (Switzerland) – Each week, experts are analysing the games. In order to improve the understanding of referees’ decisions and increase the transparency towards our fans, we publish some of those “tough calls”, together with an explanation.

Please find below this week’s “tough calls”:

Tough Call 1: AEK vs Falco Szombathely – Control of the Act of Shooting

Yellow 17 attempts a 3-point jump shot. After the ball is released, the referee calls a personal foul to Black 24.

Article 33.6         A player who has jumped into the air from a place on the playing court has the right to land again at the same place. Ha has the right to land on another place on the playing court provided that the landing place is not already occupied by an opponent at the time of take-off.

Outcome: Correct decision from the referees. Black 24 occupied a place on the playing court that was free when the shooter jumped for the shot. Therefore Black 24 is responsible from creating an illegal contact with the shooter during the shooter’s landing. Yellow 17 will be awarded 3 free throws.

Tough Call 2: Hapoel U-NET Holon vs Darussafaka – Interference

Purple 1 goes for a lay-up. The ball is bouncing over the rim when the referees call a basketball interference violation and award 2 points to the Purple team.

Article 31.2.4     Interference occurs when:

  • A player causes the basket to vibrate or grasps the basket in such a way that, in the judgement of a referee, the ball has been prevented from entering the basket or has been caused to enter the basket.

Outcome: Correct decision from the referees. White 11 grabbed the rim and the basket moved in such a way that the ball was prevented from entering the basket. 2 points shall be awarded to Purple 1.

Tough Call 3: U-BT Cluj-Napoca vs Happy Casa Brindisi – Goaltending

Blue 33 attempts a 2-point field goal and a foul is called to White 0. Then, White 30 touches the ball. After a short communication, the referees award Blue 33 a 2-point field goal and 1 free throw.

Article 31.2.1     Goaltending occurs during a shot for a field goal when a player touches the ball while it is completely above the level of the ring and:

  • It is on its downward flight to the basket.

Outcome: Correct decision from the referees. The ball is on its downward flight to the basket, so the basket counts, and 1 free throw is awarded to Blue 33 for the personal foul.
